Curb Your Vocabulary
April 28, 2006
Here are some words The Shophound is dropping from usage, and he suggests you do the same:
This one is just plain overused. What does it mean anymore? Creative? Innovative? Or just messy and a little ugly? If someone tells you something is edgy, then it probably isn’t anymore. Move on.
This one has always been irksome. It’s an unlikely contraction of “Fashion”(self explanatory) and “Sandinista” (a member of the leftist political organization that ruled Nicaragua for roughly a dozen years from 1979 to 1990.) One day, someone dreamed up this word, and, suddenly, anyone with a mild interest in fashion was some sort of Marxist dictator of style. It is not only inappropriate (unless you are famous ex-communist Miuccia Prada), but also, overused.
Now, if The Shophound understands correctly, this term refers to some sort of height challenged deity known as “Tom” and his concubine “Katie” who, apparently, are the first two people to actually make a baby themselves. Evidently it took several months, and the concubine grew it in a part of her body called a uterus. Astonishing! This all sound pretty messy, and like an awful lot of work when you could just order one from a stork like everyone else. Anyway it was this huge news story and people can’t stop talking about it. Well, The Shophound will, and you should too. If it shows up on TV, change the channel. If you hear people talking about it, then scold them until they stop. It works!