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Is This Thing Removeable?

ParasucoWe don't know what it is about Parasuco. Why are they so irksome to us? The Shophound really tries to ignore them, and then they have to go and stick a big clunky marquee on what was otherwise an elegant building. Luckily they left the grand interior of this former bank building mostly intact, but they couldn't help themselves from slapping a '90s-style industrial looking glass and metal awning on the front of their shop. Of course, it is over a deeply recessed doorway, so there is no actual need for any awning at all. Does it tell you something that we care more about the building than the actual store inside? We have criticized them before, and we thought we might check them out and give them another chance. All we can say is that the featured item we saw when we walked in was a pair of heavily faded, flared jeans. Zzzzzz. We hate to be the ones to wish that a store would pack up and move on, but please, they're stinkin' up the place.


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