GAP Design Editions Launches With a Whisper
April 17, 2007
While the Gap is clearly the Johnny-come-lately to the whole designer collaboration craze, it must be said that they hold the record for shortest lag time between announcing the project and getting the merchandise to the floor. The Gap Design Editions collections from Doo.Ri, Thakoon and Rodarte in conjunction with the CFDA|Vogue Fashion Fund were launched this morning a speedy two weeks after they were announced, and judging from the early morning response, they might have waited a bit longer to let the news sink in and build up anticipation. You can see the crowd there was...invisible. While the event has been well publicized within the fashion and retailing industry, it is safe to guess that the shopping public has not yet been whipped up into anything like the frenzy that greets H&M's annual designer events. To be fair, we were at the Fifth Avenue Gap flagship at around 8:30 this morning, so all we can really say is that the only other people moved to get up that early to see the goods were...other bloggers! We ran into Leslie Price, the woman steering the RACKED ship who tried on every piece for a detailed critique you can find here.
The entire program consists of nine garments, with each designer contributing two tops and a dress in unlined white shirting cotton, and by unlined we mean they definitely require a slip or some other undergarment (or not, if you're that kind of gal). Nothing retails for over $88, and each piece bears the signature of its designer in subtle ways, like the Rodarte tops with their delicate picot edging and architecturally pleated necklines. Overall the product looked good, especially for the prices, but we only wish the Gap had put a little more of their resources towards promoting these young designers and a little less towards those pervasive commercials with the screeching Ethel Merman soundtrack (Yes I can, caan, caaaaaan! Seriously. Ethel Merman!)
Finding Gap's Designer Shirts
More Designer Collaborations: Doo.Ri, Thakoon & Rodarte Hit the Gap