Abercrombie In - Pottery Barn Out at 600 Broadway
The Shophound on RACKED: The Conran Shop

Forever 21 Goes Glam in SoHo

Forever21soho_2Speaking of irritating stores duplicating themselves on the bock of Broadway between Houston and Prince Streets, we caught a glimpse of the soon-to-be-opening branch of popular schlock house fast fashion chain Forever 21 this morning.
It looks like this location is going for a glamorous black and white décor. The polished marble floors and sculptured columns look like far too elegant a setting for the retailer's usual collection of cheap jersey tops and dresses.
It's certainly a departure from the giant minimal box that serves as their Union Square branch. The few times that we have been in there, we were faced with one of the most disorganized and sloppy stores of that kind we had ever encountered. If this little peek inside looks promising, you can rest assured that they will soon be junking it up with a jumble of cheap, blatant knockoffs of more expensive designs from Anna Sui, Diane von Furstenberg and other lesser known designers who are too small to afford legal action.
Forever 21 (Official Site)
Forever 21 Grows Fast and Gathers Lawsuits


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