Today In Tie-Ins:

UNIQLO Meets Disney
For Tim Burton's New Alice

Designer Expansion:

Burberry Heading West?

Cintra Wilson Goes Shopping:

Seems Like Old Times Edition

25critic-1-popup This week, Critical Shopper Cintra Wilson returns to the Thursday Styles having been bewitched by an early 1970s portrait of Miles Davis, and begins her column in a way that initially seems almost —dare we say it?— Kuczynski-esque!
Aw, good times.
Mr. Davis is onstage, wearing a lace-up suede Robin Hood shirt and enormous square Jackie O sunglasses. He is scowling, apparently taking a momentary break between lung blasts, and holding his trumpet straight up.
The overall effect is uncanny — the glasses, shirt and trumpet valves coalesce to the point that they literally appear to have grown out of him — like harmonious, delicate organic appendages of Miles Davis, that royal alien-insect-flower-sorcerer, who just happened to drop into a human existence while on his way to somewhere more important.
Despite her apparently hallucinogenic mood, it turns out that La Cintra is not actually plumbing the batshit crazy depths of a certain Critical Shopper of yore, but eventually manages to connect Davis's prescient individuality with designer Maria Cornejo's inventive clothing designs at her West Village boutique. In fact, she snaps right back to form when faced with a less than obliging salesperson,
I immediately excused her curtness because I detected that she was suffering from an advanced physical condition.
“You’re with child,” I observed.
She had no choice but to accept my diagnosis, the vast ball causing her to squirm uncomfortably in her chair.
Trifle with the Critical Shopper and risk being shamed for your peculiar state of fertility.
Critical Shopper | Zero + Maria Cornejo: Maria Cornejo Plays All the Angles by Cintra Wilson (NYTimes)
Zero + Maria Cornejo 807 Greenwich Street at Jane Street, West Village


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