TRANSITIONS: Treasures & Trifles
Another Longtime Bleecker Street Store Exits
Another Longtime Bleecker Street Store Exits
May 24, 2010
Though it seems hard to imagine, there are still a very few longtime merchants left on the Northern end of Bleecker Street. Unfortunately, we lost one of them a few weeks ago when the antiques store Treasures & Trifles at no. 409 closed, but not for the reasons you might think. This time, the owners were not forced out by a greedy landlord, but have simply decided to retire. They leave the remaining vestiges of what was once a unique corridor of antique stores like the outstanding Leo Design and wavering Les Pierre Antiques (which may be moving or closing? The place has definitely been advertised and shopped around recently).
Treasure & Trifles' owners, Ned and Buddy have left a farewell message in the window that, despite their own survival during the street's transformation, serves as something of an idiosyncratic and overdue eulogy for the old neighborhood, with no shortage of entertaining name-dropping:
After 44 years in the village, East & West, and 26 Years at this location, we've decided to fold our tent and move-on tho the next phase of our lives.
It's not because of a vindictive, greedy landlord, nor because of a Shylock Attorney. On the contrary, our landlady is every storeowner's dream come true! An honest, caring landlady, a true Villager -born and raised in the Village.
It's too bad that this generation never experienced the Village of yore. Bleecker Street was world-renowned for its variety of antique shops, visited by the likes of Jackie & Ari, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, etc. Bette Midler Lived up to her name: "Divine!".
We're saddened at leaving our friends and neighbors such as Leo Design's Kimo, John, Ed & Kyle, and Barry & Arlington. They all helped us, shoveling snow and lifting the gates.
Ned & Buddy
Treasures & Trifles Vanished (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)