MAKE OF THIS WHAT YOU WILL: The Backpack That Screams For You
April 11, 2013
Even the most devoted New Yorker will have to admit that city life can be eaxperating at times. There are any number of people who will, at some point, make you want to let loose and tell them off in the loudest, most aggressive way possible, but decorum (and, not incidentally, the fear of some violent retribution) generally keep most of us from expressing our occasional frustrations. This week we got wind of an accessory that can silently make your point for you, or even just express all your inner angst with one, creepy turn of your back.
The folks at the avant-garde Lower East Side boutique ØDD tell us that the Kofta Screaming Backpack designed by Konstantin Kofta is made by hand in Ukraine from molded lambskin with sterling silver hardware, and available exclusively through the store for a mere $957. (For anyone not feeling confident enough to express their true feelings, there is another style which literally gives you a spine for $1,255.) That may seem like a steep price to pay just to scream at the immediate world, but imagine the relief you'll feel by getting all those bottled up emotions off your chest... or your back.
ØDD 164 Ludlow Street between Stanto & East Houston Streets, Lower East Side