FRESH SHADES: Garrett Leight Reminds Us That One Day It Really Will Be Summertime
March 31, 2014
It actually snowed a little bit this morning, which is incredibly disheartening for the last day of March. This state of affairs hasn't been helping retailers much as customers seem to be waiting for t-shirt weather before they start their Spring shopping. As if to remind us all that warmer weather is on the horizon somewhere, eyewear designer Garrett Leight invited a bunch of folks, including The Shophound, to the Standard Hotel in the East Village late last week to launch his Spring 2014 collection of optical and sunglass frames along with the latest edition of his magazine, Spectacle. Look closely at the diorama pictured above, and you will find the results of Leight's work with collaboration king Mark McNairy, which was one of a few styles showcased in the lush greenery we hope to see sprouting from the ground sometime soon. The rest of the collection was more accessibly displayed on tables (pictured below) so partygoers could try the styles for themselves. Nothing sets the stage for the Summer like choosing a new pair of sunglasses for the season, and Leight (who just happens to be the son of Oliver Peoples founder Larry Leight) offered plenty of promising options. Choosing just one seemed like a challenge. His classic frame shapes in unexpected colors and materials perfectly fit the mood of the upcoming season, whenever it gets around to arriving.