The Bloomingdale's Outlet Will Open in 11 Days


You'll Get The Hard Sell At The HIKE NIKE Pop-Up On The Bowery


Six New Sample Sales Have Just Been Added This Week's Schedule

It's the time of year when they pile it on, so we wanted to let everyone know that they can add a whopping SIX new late-breaking Sample Sales to their calendars starting today. Here's a brief roundup. See the details  in our SALE ROLL sidebar at left.

J.PRESS YORK STREET/ICB This one slipped under everyone's radar and began yesterday in SoHo. Up to 90% Off is promised on samples from ICB as well as back season stock from the J.Press York Street menswear line. A smattering of other labels are included but the bulk of the merchandise id from ICB and York Street. Through Friday.

OXO A seasonal cult favorite for fans of well designed household gadgets  is promising more than 850 items at deep discounts. Bring your own bag to the Starrett-Lehigh Building through Friday.

WANT Agency A showroom sale featuring insider favorite names like WANT LES ESSENTIELS de la VIEMAISON KITSUNE, SWIMS and TOMORROWLANDStarting today, find savings on mostly samples on these labels through the weekend.

WOOLRICH From Friday to Sunday on two consecutive weekends the WP Lavori showroom will open with discounts on outerwear and sportswear from the American heritage brand along with SPIEWAK, BARACUTA & BD BAGGIES.

ARMANI Soiffer Haskin will be offering every collection from the Italian mega-brand including GIORGIO ARMANI, EMPORIO ARMANI, ARMANI COLLEZIONI & ARMANI JEANS starting on Friday through Wednesday.

GANT The ever more popular preppy brand will be launching its sale on Sunday the 15th at 260SampleSale's winter location at 43 Wooster Street. We aren't sure if it will be strictly samples or a full size range from the warehouse, but the sale is scheduled for a solid seven day run through next Saturday, so count on an abundance of goods.


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