Employee Of The Week: Nach Waxman at Kitchen Arts & Letters
June 20, 2007
Usually, we are ready with this bright and early on Monday, but as the previously noted Fido is now officially dead, and the long awaited Fido II has not yet arrived, we are posting a little light this week.
Having gotten that out of the way, we were happy to see that this week's Shop Clerk in New York Magazine is Nach Waxman of Kitchen Arts & Letters. It's always a little tricky to comment on a bookstore clerk, because one always has the sense that in order to provide proper service they would have to read all the books in the store, which is impossible. On top of that, in a cooking bookstore they would have to not only have read everything, but actually have cooked or eaten a substantial amount of things in the books - doubly impossible. While The Shophound is a novice cook at best, we admit to a recent addiction to America's Test Kitchen, and a frequent compulsion to browse the aisles of Williams-Sonoma for absolutely no reason. It's just sort of comforting to see all that shiny kitchen equipment, ready to be used. Reading a cookbook makes us think that we will make something wonderful from it.
We probably won't, but it looks like Nach is somewhat more advanced than we are,
NYMag: Which is your favorite cookbook of all time?
Nach Waxman: That’s like asking someone to name his favorite child. One great book is called Cucina Fresca, on Italian cold and room-temperature foods. Another is Parisian Home Cooking.
Any guilty pleasures?
The Wonder Bread Cookbook, The Twinkie Cookbook, some Star Wars cookbooks.
And yet, we see he's an unabashed junk-food-junkie.
Now exactly what would one find in the Star Wars Cookbook?
Ask A Shop Clerk: Nach Waxman (NYMag)
Kitchen Arts & Letters 1435 Lexington Ave, Upper East Side